Our goal is to combine our creativeness and desire to make a difference with activities that are client-directed, but make learning fun and appear effortless.
A client's overall program is designed around his or her strengths and areas of concern while incorporating developmental milestones to help reach peak potential.
Home-based ABA Therapy
Photo by Devonyu/iStock / Getty Images
- Functional behavior assessment
- Communication skills
- Social skills
- Functional life skills
- Parent and caregiver training
- Consultation to existing programming
Home-based Speech Therapy
Photo by RapidEye/iStock / Getty Images
- Articulation
- Language (receptive and expressive)
- Social skills and pragmatics
- Literacy
- Listening and auditory comprehension
- Childhood apraxia of speech
School-based Contracting
Photo by NYS444/iStock / Getty Images
- Speech and Language Therapy
- ABA Therapy
- Training
- Classroom observation
- Collaboration with school IEP team
- Develop IEP goals